Individual competitors will take on all 10 events solo.
Tackle Turf Wars with a Teammate! Split the 10 events with a partner and choose your favorites to compete in. Each competitor must complete a minimum of 4 events, and both competitors must do the wild card. Each competitor must do a full event, you may not split individual events between teammates.
The competitor must wait for line judge to blow the whistle to begin the race. If the competitor false starts they are DQ’d and receive penalty points for an event scratch. The competitor must start behind the line. No part of competitor’s body can be touching the line. Competitor can be in a standing or in a sprinters starting position. The competitors can not move once the line judge says “set.” Competitor can break the plane with any part of their body across the finish line.
The competitor must wait for line judge to blow the whistle to begin the race. If the competitor false starts they are DQ’d and receive penalty points for an event scratch. The competitor must start behind the line. No part of competitor’s body can be touching the line. Competitor can be in a standing or in a sprinters starting position. The competitors can not move once the line judge says “set”. Must touch bag with hand and starting line with foot at each end of the field. Competitor can break the plane with any part of their body across the finish line.
The competitor must start with both feet behind the start line. The competitor must start with a jump backwards and must jump off two feet simultaneously throughout the event. The competitor must land with chest, stomach and hips touching the ground on each drop down and can only push off with both hands simultaneously. The competitor cannot walk their hands back to their feet. When moving backwards out of the jump, the competitors are not allowed to take multiple steps. The maximum amount of steps is one inch during the transition into the next drop down. Competitor must touch line at each end of the Turf with feet.
The competitor must wait for line judge to blow the whistle to begin the race and if the competitor false starts they are DQ’d and receive penalty points for an event scratch. The competitor must start behind the line. No part of competitor’s body can be touching the line and cannot move once the line judge says “set.” The competitor can not take a running start into the gallop and must travel with both hands landing simultaneously. The competitor can stand up mid-gallop, but can not advance forward in any manner. TIME CAP: 2 minutes 30 seconds. Competitors not finished in the allotted time will have their scores documented as 2:30.
The competitor must wait for line judge to blow the whistle to begin the race and if the competitor false starts they are DQ’d and receive penalty points for an event scratch. The competitor must start behind the line and can be standing before they begin, but must have both hands on the Valslides and they must be on the turf before crossing the start line. The competitors can never stand up. They can drop to their knees ONE TIME ONLY (5 seconds max) but cannot make any forward progress down the turf. The palms of the competitors must be touching the padded side of Valslide at all times and if palms are lifted from the Valside you will receive one warning. The second warning is automatic DQ. Competitor must touch lines at both ends of the turf with feet. Competitors must complete all laps in order to not scratch the event. TIME CAP: 4 minutes. Competitors not finished in the allotted time will have their scores documented as 4:00.
Competitor must be seated the entire time and can stop to recover during the 1000m row but cannot dismount the rower as that will result in an automatic DQ. The competitor must complete all 1000 meters and cannot restart if they fall off of seat. The competitor can only restart is there is an equipment failure (broken screen, broken seat). TIME CAP: 5 minutes. Competitors not finished in the allotted time will have their scores documented as 5:00.
This will be a one minute ARMS ONLY sprint on the ECHO bike for maximum calories. The competitor must keep both feet on the foot pegs. They cannot stand up, and must keep both hands on the handlebars. How many calories will you expend in that one minute?
Two phase movement: each phase must be completed in order to have each rep count. The competitor must start from the standing position with sandbag on the ground and hands off of the bag. Once the start whistle is blown, the competitor most keep both hands on the sand bag at all times. Competitor must bring the sandbag up to the “racked” position with fully extended hips and knees to complete the clean. The press is not complete until elbows are locked out and elbows behind the competitor’s ears. Sandbag must touch the ground before beginning the next repetition.
The sled must start behind the starting line and the competitor must push the sled entirely through each line in order for the laps to count. If competitor does not cross the lines they are DQ’d. Arms must be locked out on both low and high pushes and competitor can never drop to their knees. If this occurs they are automatically DQ’d. Competitor must always have two hands on the sled. The competitor may stand up, drop to knees or lose contact with the sled after they cross a line at the turn-around point on the Turf. When returning back to the starting line competitor, must have both hands on the sled and arms locked out. TIME CAP: 3 minutes 30 seconds. Competitors not finished in the allotted time will have their scores documented as 3:30.
“This one is out of pride. If you don’t attempt this event, your top 3 event scores will be removed from your total score.”
Coach Alonzo
Train for it by being prepared for any type of FUN & ADVENTURE we throw at you. Oh, baby.